
​The first Family Friendly Enterprise Certificate was presented to VIP Mobile

After Germany,Austria, Slovenia and other European countries, our country has also been giventhe opportunity to prove that companies are taking care of the families andprivate lives of their employees.

The company VIPMobile d.o.o., to the CEO Dejan Turku, the Family Friendly EnterpriseCertificate was presented by the CEO of TMS CEE d.o.o. Bosko Gavović, accordingto the licensed certification scheme „Ekvilib“ of the Institute fromSlovenia.

By acquiring thiscertificate, VIP Mobile has been ranked among the group of companies that canboast a certificate that confirms that it has enabled its employees variousbenefits for the adjustment of private and business life. Thanks to the FamilyFriendly team within Vip mobile, they acquired the right to a basic FFEcertificate.

After a basic,long-term and consistent business policy and practice, companies can get theright to a complete FFE certificate.

Family FriendlyEnterprise is a process that is based on the principle of corporate socialresponsibility, with a focus on work-life balance and private life. Thecertificate also represents a long-term procedure that ensures work-lifebalance and maintains the competitive advantage of companies with positiveeffects on society.

The positive effectof the FFE certificate on attracting the best personnel has been proven, aswell as the reduction of circulation, which contributes to the value andsustainable success of the companies.