Back to normal
After the cessation of the state of emergency, we are going back to (new) normal, still obeying all the measures and recommendations.
Povratak u normalan rad
Po prestanku vanrednog stanja, polako se vraćamo u normalan rad, i dalje poštujući sve mere i preporuke.
ESG (Environmental Social and Governance) Ratings
ISO 22301 Kontinuitet poslovanja
State of emergency in the Republic of Serbia
Dear Clients and Partners,
As you know, TMS CEE always cares about its customers and partners. In times of emergency in the Republic of Serbia, our first priority is protecting our health. Following all the prescribed measures of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, we organized work from home, telework and other measures.
Vanredno stanje u Republici Srbiji
Poštovani klijenti i partneri,
Kao što znate, TMS CEE uvek brine o svojim klijentima i partnerima. U vreme vanrednog stanja u Republici Srbiji, prvi prioritet nam je zaštita zdravlja. Poštujući sve propisane mere Vlade Republike Srbije, organizovali smo rad od kuće, rad na daljinu i sproveli druge mere.
Digitization at work
Since the end of the last year, TMS CEE doo has completely switched to issuing electronic invoices.
TMS in the media
Our slogan is „TMS – Client Success“ and we help with all our resources that our clients become more and more thriving. The true inspiration comes from the happy clients.