„What do we eat?“

At the third international conference about food and beverage safety „What do we eat?“, held on May 31st in Hilton hotel in Belgrade, organized by the TMS CEE certification and control body, Mr. Nenad Dolovac, advisor to the Minister of Agriculture, opened the conference with a review of the situation in the field of food safety in Serbia today and pointed out that it is within the European framework.

„Šta jedemo?“

Na trećoj međunarodnoj konferenciji o bezbednosti hrane i pića „Šta jedemo?“, koja je održana 31. maja u hotelu “Hilton” u Beogradu, u organizaciji sertifikacionog i kontrolnog tela TMS CEE, Gospodin Nenad Dolovac, savetnik ministra poljoprivrede, otvarajući konferenciju izneo je pregled situacije u oblasti bezbednosti hrane u Srbiji danas i istakao je da je ona u evropskim okvirima.

Second conference „What do we eat“

Do Serbian consumers know what they are eating? What is the number of countries in the world whose agriculture is not GMO? Does yeast bread really grow and how can mineral water have a positive effect on many health problems? These are just some of the questions that were answered by global and domestic experts in the field of food, agriculture and quality control at the Second International Conference on Food Safety „What do we eat“, which was held on May 11 in organization of the certification and control body of the TMS CEE and media companies BIZLife at the Belgrade Hotel Falkeinsteiner.

​TMS CEE successfully completed the 1st Check-up of the company PPT-Petoletka doo from Trstenik.

TMS CEE has successfully completed the 1st control check of the company PPT-Petoletka doo Trstenik, which deals with the design, development, production, service and sale of devices and systems in the field of hydraulics and pneumatics. The company has an Integrated Management System in accordance with the standards ISO 9001: 2008, ISO 14001: 2004 and OHSAS 18001: 2007