Validation of Etilometers
Duško Runjaić 060/555-79-18
Stefan Milošević 065/888-79-15
Since February 2018, TMS CEE doo has included breathalyzer verification service in its product range. Verification is done every six months or before that period if there is any service intervention on the device. The laboratory is located at Rudnička 2, Belgrade, and services are also provided in agreement with service providers and breathalyzer manufacturers.
By decision of the Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals, no. 393-4/0-02-4410/3 from 29.01.2018. year, we were authorized to carry out the work of the first, regular and extraordinary verification of breathalyzers.
Therefore, we ask all interested parties to:
- Submit requests for authentication according to the form that can be downloaded at the bottom of this page
- Yes, if you remove the old marks from the standards, please also submit a list of the removed marks, by standards
- To provide the appropriate mouthpieces with the gauges
- To announce larger quantities of benchmarks that you plan to bring for certification
The amount of the fee for the certification of breathalyzers will be in accordance with the Regulation on the amount and method of payment of fees for the implementation of certification of standards, metrological expertise, testing of the type of standards, testing of prepackaged products and other work in the field of metrology, “Official Gazette of RS” 68/2010, 72/ 2010 and 50/2013, respectively:
- RSD 450.00 for breathalyzer certification, per piece,
- RSD 2400.00 per Certificate of Certification, per breathalyzer, per piece
Total: RSD 2850.00 per breathalyzer, for which the authorized body issues an invoice - RSD 320.00 Republic administrative fee upon request and per piece of breathalyzer. This amount is paid to the account of the Budget of the Republic of Serbia – for the purpose of Republic administrative tax. For the payment of Republic administrative fees, it is necessary to submit proof when submitting the request.
The total amount of fees is paid in advance.