Welding: equipment, personnel, plants
Ivan Stojčić
+381 11 244 11 11
+381 65 888 79 06
- Certification of the welding plant according to the requirements of the standard EN 1090-1, EN 1090-2, EN 1090-3, EN 15085-2, ISO 3834,
- Attestation and certification of welders according to the requirements of ISO 9606 and EN ISO 14732 and AD 2000-HP3 standards,
- Development of welding procedure qualifications (WPQR) according to the requirements of ISO 15614 and ISO 15613.
Certification according to EN 15085-2
EN15085 is another series of standards related to welding. Unlike
from the EN ISO 3834 series standards that can be applied to all
products, the EN 15085 standard refers to the manufacture of railway parts. Each of
parts of the standard, of which there are 5 in total, have their own specificity, and yet they all
related to the production of parts by welding metal parts exclusively on the railway.
The manufacturer’s certification takes place in accordance with the requirements of EN 15085-2.
Inspectors authorized to inspect in accordance with this standard,
they check the manufacturer from the point of view of staff competence, adequacy
equipment and infrastructure. What we can boast about is certainly the auditor for EN 15085-2, which is one of the few, not only in Serbia but also in the surrounding area.
Certification of the organization according to EN ISO 3834
EN ISO 3834 is a series of standards that deal with the quality of welded joints created by melting metallic materials and is not related to the type of product. For most manufacturing companies, it is desirable to have a certificate, which is from an independent, certification house, issued in accordance with one of the standards from the EN ISO 3834 series.
Each of the standards from the EN ISO 3834 series defines the corresponding requirements that the manufacturer of welded parts must fulfill, both in the workshop and on the construction site. The requirements relate primarily to the competence of the staff and the adequacy of the equipment and infrastructure. Fulfilling these requirements represents
guarantee that welding, as one of the special and important processes,
carried out in an appropriate manner and thus the manufacturer proves his ability to produce a welded product and/or construction in accordance with the requirements criteria.
Many years of experience have confirmed that one of the main requirements of the EN ISO 3834-2 standard, the qualification of welding technology (WPQR – Welding Procedure Qualification Record) and the employment of competent personnel in welding, ensure that a product that meets the defined quality requirements will be obtained.
Certification of persons
The minimum requirements in every production organization are requirements for trained and certified personnel. Manufacturing organizations often have a need for certified welding and soldering personnel. TMS CEE doo established a system of certification of persons (welders, operators, solderers).
At the moment, TMS CEE doo can certify welders, operators and solderers in accordance with the requirements of the following standards:
Welders – fusion welding of metal materials
SRPS EN ISO 9606-1:2017, Fusion welding – Part 1, Steels
SRPS EN ISO 9606-2:2009, Fusion welding – Part 2 – Welding of aluminum and aluminum alloys
SRPS EN ISO 14732:2014, Automated and automatic welding of metallic materials
Soldering Irons – Brazing
SRPS EN ISO 13585:2013, Brazing — Qualification examination of brazers and brazing operators
The certification process itself begins by filling out the form tms_so_01, Application, which you can download on our website www.tms.rs</a >.
The rules for the certification of persons described in TMS PR 08 can also be viewed on our website.
Records of issued certificates are kept, and data from said records, due to the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law “Official Gazette of RS”, 87/2018, are available only upon request, with a request sent to office@tms.rs.
Welding Technology Qualification (WPQR – Welding Procedure Qualification Record)
The qualification of welding technology (WPQR – Welding Procedure Qualification Record) is a procedure in which an independent, certification house practically gives a certificate that means that the welding technology used by the manufacturer has been confirmed and proven.
The qualification of welding technology is carried out in accordance with the numerous standards of the EN ISO 15614 series and/or the EN ISO 15613 standard. Each of the standards from the mentioned series refers to the corresponding area/procedure/type of material in the welding of metal materials.
The manufacturer, in accordance with the appropriate standard, prepares the samples that he welds in the presence of the welding inspector. Each of the samples is sent to an accredited laboratory where tests are performed with and without destruction. The types and scope of testing are defined in the corresponding standard.
After receiving positive results, the independent house issues a document that is
practical confirmation of welding technology with a certain procedure. Welders who weld test pieces are issued welder certificates in accordance with some of the standards from the EN ISO 9606 series.