
​Fast, Fresh & Clean

“Traceabilityacross the food chain is more complex than in any other industry, due to thelarge number of environmental pollutants that may compromise food safetyanywhere along the food chain, as well as the time sensitive nature of freshproduce.”

Ishan Palit

Global CEO, ProductService Division, TÜV SÜD

Aprawn’s journey from farm to fork

Today’sconsumer is much more aware of food safety and quality issues due to the globalspread of scandals via social media, from expired frozen meat to contaminatedmilk, chocolates with worms to shrimps with traces of antibiotics. Theincreased number of links in the global food supply chain introduces risks thatdidn’t exist when production and consumption were more localised. A holisticend-to-end approach involving producers, distributors, retailers and handlersis needed to inspire trust.

Theinfographic below illustrates the food safety measures taken throughout theprawn’s journey from its source in a farm to its end consumers.

Thepercentage of consumers who value food safety has risen from 48% in 2007 to 67%in 2015. Seafood, such as prawns, is a food category that is often at high riskof contamination. A prawn makes several stops from farm to fork, andcontamination can occur anywhere along this journey.

1.       FARMING


Safetycompromises at farms include unhygienic water, overcrowding, and illegal use ofantibiotics. TÜV SÜD ensures safety and hygiene via audits and product testingfor antibiotics and contaminants.


Harvestedprawns are sent to a processing facility where they are cleaned and frozen.Sufficient care while cleaning and appropriate conditions of freezing need tobe ensured. TÜV SÜD conducts food audits to ensure that the frozen productsmeet predefined quality and safety criteria.


Prawnsare shipped all over the world, introducing more avenues of contamination.Suppliers need to ensure that their products satisfy safety regulations ofexport markets. These include evaluation for environmental and industrialpollutants, microbial and chemical contaminants, and antibiotic residues. TÜVSÜD conducts pre-shipment inspection, testing, and final random inspection.

4.       RETAIL

Thehandling of prawns at the food retailers needs to follow stringent tandards.TÜV SÜD performs testing and analysis on food products received by retailers.We audit a wide range of suppliers and retailers based on their own or thelatest global standards, minimising contamination that may occur at thestorage, handling or preparation stages.


Safetycompromises can happen as late as at a restaurant kitchen. TÜV SÜD auditshygiene and the food preparation process at restaurants to ensure your peace ofmind at the dining table.

Recommendationsfrom TUV SUD

1.       A comprehensivefarm-to-fork approach to food safety is needed to ensure traceability.

2.       Most companies arereactive, attempting damage control after a crisis. They need to be proactiveand make safety and quality a strategic priority from day one.


·        Single source partner who simplifies the process of ensuring foodsafety, quality, transparency and efficiency.

·        One stop solution for end-to-end testing, auditing, inspection andcertification.

·        Global network of labs in Asia, Europe and South America thatperform a broad range of tests including microbiological and chemical tests andanalyses.

·        Internationally recognised for safety and quality standards suchas:

o   BRC Global Standards


o   ISO 22000

o   IFS

o   FSSC 22000

o   SQF

·        Up-to-date awareness of regulations in diverse markets.