
“Biodynamic viticulture – opportunities and challenges”

``Biodynamic viticulture - opportunities and challenges``

“Biodynamic viticulture – opportunities and challenges” in Vršac

In Vršac, from December 8 to 10, the annual conference of the Association for Biodynamic Agriculture of Serbia was held under the title “BIODYNAMIC WINE GROWING – OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES”.

The foreign lecturers were Nicolas Joly – from France, world authority for BD winemaking, author of several world bestsellers in the field of viticulture, owner of the Coulee de Serrant vineyard, which has existed since the 12th century, and Monty Waldin – from Great Britain, another world authority for BD winemaking, author of several world bestsellers in the field of viticulture. Among the lecturers from the region and Serbia, AciUrbajs from Slovenia, Bojan Baša from Fruška Gora, Laszlo Boni from Hungary and ČedomirNikolić, inspector of organic producers, who, in front of the certification house TMS CEE, spoke about the conversion and certification of organic vineyards. Čedomir explained the process of introducing producers to organic viticulture, the certification process, pointed out the potential risks and opportunities to overcome them.

Nicolas Joy summed up his philosophy in one sentence: “Wine is made in the vineyard. Point. I don’t do anything to the winery”.

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