
What are we eating?

What are we eating?

It is our great honor to inform you that our company is organizing the third international conference on food and beverage safety called “What are we eating?”.

The conference will be held on 31. May 2018 at the Hilton Hotel in Belgrade, starting at 10:00 a.m.

The conference was supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia, the German-Serbian Chamber of Commerce – AHK Serbia, as well as IFS – International Featured Standards, Germany.

Current events in the field of food safety of beverages, in the domain of primary production and processing industry, will be presented, as the most important elements necessary for effective management and maintenance of high standards in the entire chain of production and sale of food and beverages. Through examples that will be shared with the participants by the owners of standards, certification bodies, state institutions, food manufacturers and scientific institutions, approaches to preventive action in creating reliable security systems will be shown, and the topic “What we eat” will be openly discussed in secret.

More information on the website ˝What do we eat?˝