​Consumer Protection

How can we protect consumers from potential safety risks?

Globalisation has changed everything for businesses, opening up new markets they wouldn’t have dreamed of in the past. At the same time, it has created a highly discerning global middle class that’s willing and able to pay a premium for superior quality and safety.

​Sustainable Development

How can we achieve our economic objectives in a sustainable approach?

Our wants are infinite. Unfortunately, our resources are not. Current projections put the world’s population at 9.6 billion by 2050, with almost all of this growth occurring in emerging markets that place paramount importance on economic expansion – often at the expense of the environment.

150 years of safe progress

The history of TMS combines the roots of the industrial revolution, the tradition of German quality, 

Eastern European tradition towards the modern economy and contemporary economic changes.


While TÜV was publicly seen as providing vehicle inspections and expert consulting services for industrial plants, activities that took the burden off the government, TÜV still often remained invisible in the private sector.

​Brzo, sveže i čisto

“Sledljivost u lancu ishrane je složenija nego u bilo kojoj drugoj industriji, zbog velikog broja zagađivača životne sredine koji mogu ugroziti sigurnost hrane bilo gde duž lanca ishrane , kao i vremenski osetljive prirode sveže proizvode . “

​Fast, Fresh & Clean

“Traceability across the food chain is more complex than in any other industry, due to the large number of environmental pollutants that may compromise food safety anywhere along the food chain, as well as the time sensitive nature of fresh produce.”