U četvrtak 2. Juna sertifikaciono telo TÜV SÜD održava jednočasovni webinar
Cyberattacks on companies and their IT systems are continuing to rise and are generally associated with high costs.
Tokom meseca maja i juna, u prostorijama TMS Akademije, za našeklijente će se organizovati niz kurseva.
During May and June, in the premises of the Academy of TMS for our clients will organize a series of courses.
U četvrtak, 21. aprila , održan je seminar pod nazivom “Upravljanje rizicima u privrednim društvima – standardi i dobra praksa”. Organizatori seminara su TMS CEE i AHK (nemačko – Srpska privredna komora)
On Thursday, 21st April, in TMS CEE was held a seminar entitled “Risk management in companies – standards and good practice”. The seminar was organized in cooperation of TMS CEE and AHK (german-serbian chamber of commerce)
On 7th of April at the Hyatt Regency was held conference about food safety, entitled “ What do we eat?”.
While technical safety in the Soviet-occupied zone became a governmental responsibility, control association in the West could reestablish themselves.
For many West Germans, owning a car was at the top of their wish list. However, growing of individual transport became a safety problem.