Radionica Lego4Scrum
U petak, 15. aprila 2016. godine, održana je prva po redu radionica Lego4Scrum, u edukacionom centru TMS Akademije, u Rudničkoj 2. U ulozi predavača bio je Aleksandar Milošević.
U petak, 15. aprila 2016. godine, održana je prva po redu radionica Lego4Scrum, u edukacionom centru TMS Akademije, u Rudničkoj 2. U ulozi predavača bio je Aleksandar Milošević.
Sportsko-rekreativni centar ‘’Tašmajdan’’ je ustanova sa dugogodišnjom tradicijom započetom 1954. godine, koja u svom sastavu ima otvoren i zatvoren bazen, sportsku dvoranu i ledenu dvoranu. Tokom svog poslovanja trudili su se da konstantno poboljšavaju kvalitet svojih usluga i zadovoljstvo korisnika.
Support for the idea of technical inspection associations kept growing beyond Germany’s borders. Some foreign associations had even joined the “Verband von Dampfkesselüberwachungsvereinen“ (union of boiler inspection associations) based in Hanover.
The steam engine represented the start of the Industrial Revolution, but by now more and more machines were being powered by electricity.
Electric elevators have been tested by inspection associations since 1907 (Baden) and 1908 (Bavaria). However, it was initially left up to the operators to determine how often, if at all, inspections were performed.
In March 1938, a fundamental re-organisation of technical inspections occurred in Germany. The 37 facilities that existed to date in the Reich were transformed into 14 regional monitoring associations that were collectively named TÜV (Technische Überwachungsvereine: technical inspection associations).
7. aprila 2016. u hotelu Hyatt Regency održana je konferencija o bezbednosti hrane pod nazivom “Šta jedemo?”. Konferencija je organizovana od strane TMS CEE i medijske kuće BIZLife, uz podršku DSW (Deutsch-Serbische Wirtschaftvereignung). Partneri konferencije bili su Carnex i Mlekoprodukt.
By the end of the 1920s, Munich’s Oktoberfest had established itself as a major attraction. Carnival rides had existed there for more than a century, but these were yet to be systematically inspected.
Sa globalizovanim poreklom hrane, izazovi da se obezbedi sigurnost hranesu postali sve veći.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or we) is amending our regulation for Current Good Manufacturing Practice In Manufacturing, Packing, or Holding Human Food in two fundamental ways.