TMS in the media

Our slogan is „TMS – Client Success“ and we help with all our resources that our clients become more and more thriving. The true inspiration comes from the happy clients.

TMS u medijima

Naš slogan je „TMS – uspeh klijenta“ i mi svim svojim resursima pomažemo našim klijentima da budu što uspešniji. Prava inspiracija dolazi od zadovoljnih klijenata.

Novi standardi pod akreditacijom – SRPS ISO/IEC 27001:2014 i SRPS EN ISO 13485:2017

Sertifikaciono telo za sisteme menadžmenta TMS CEE je od ATS-a 13.8.2019. dobilo novi obim akreditacije, koji pored postojećih standarda, sada obuhvata i sertifikaciju sistema menadžmenta bezbednošću informacija prema standardu SRPS ISO/IEC 27001:2014, kao i sertifikaciju sistema menadžmenta kvalitetom – medicinska sredstva prema standardu SRPS EN ISO 13485:2017.

New standards under the accreditation – ISO/IEC 27001:2014 and EN ISO 13485:2017

The certification body for the Management Systems TMS CEE on 13/08/2019. has received from ATS a new scope of accreditation, which in addition to the existing standards, now includes certification of information security management system according to the standard SRPS ISO / IEC 27001: 2014, as well as certification of the quality management system of medical devices according to the standard SRPS EN ISO 13485: 2017.