TÜV SÜD – Safety Gauge – Satisfy your appetite for business and consumer insights
The TÜV SÜD Safety Gauge is a market research study investigating the awareness, understanding and importance offood safety issues among consumers and businesses.
The TÜV SÜD Safety Gauge is a market research study investigating the awareness, understanding and importance offood safety issues among consumers and businesses.
Radionice su osmišljene tako da budu podrška onima koji implementiraju zahteve standarda kroz detaljno tumačenje pojedinih zahteva i prikaze primera iz prakse.
U četvrtak i petak, 6. i 7.04.2017, u prostorijama TMS Akademije, uspešno je održan kurs ISO 14001: 2015 Interni Auditor, kurs je održala Maja Đogo.
On Thursday and Friday, 6th and 7th of April 2017, on the premises of TMS Academy, the course ISO 14001: 2015 Internal Auditor was successfully held, the course was held by Maja Đogo.
On Thursday and Friday on the 30th and 31st of March 2017, on the premises of TMS Academy, the course ISO 9001:2015 Internal Auditor was successfully held, the course was held by Ivan Pribićević.
U četvrtak i petak 30-og i 31-og marta održan je kurs za ISO 9001:2015 Interni proveravač u prostorijama TMS-a.
Green, or sustainable building is the practice of creating and using healthier and more resource-efficient models of construction, renovation, operation, maintenance and demolition. Both the direct and indirect environmental impacts of buildings have prompted the creation of green building standards, certifications and rating systems.
Zelena, ili održiva gradnja je praksa stvaranja i korišćenja zdravijih i resursno-efikasnijih modela izgradnje, renoviranja, rada, održavanja i rušenja. Direktni i indirektni uticaj objekata na životnu sredinu naveli su na stvaranje zelenih građevinskih standarda, sertifikata i rejting sistema.
U četvrtak i petak 30-og i 31-og marta održan je kurs za ISO 9001:2015 Interni proverivač u prostorijama TMS-a, kurs je održao Ivan Pribićević.
U četvrtak i petak, 6. i 7.04.2017, u prostorijama TMS Akademije, uspešno je održan kurs ISO 14001: 2015 Interni Auditor, kurs je održala Maja Đogo.