CorD magazine – interview
Marketing director of TMS, Kruna Gavovic, gave the interview for the reputable magazine CorD, in the edition with the focus on Germany
Marketing director of TMS, Kruna Gavovic, gave the interview for the reputable magazine CorD, in the edition with the focus on Germany
Direktor marketinga TMS, Kruna Gavović, dala je intervju uglednom magazinu CorD, u broju posvećenom Nemačkoj
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Proudly we announce that TMS CEE now has the local auditor for standards IFS Broker and BRC A&B (Agents and Brokers), which is very first auditor for those standards in Serbia.
Sa ponosom objavljujemo da TMS CEE sada u svojim redovima ima i auditora za standarde IFS Broker i BRC A&B (Agents and Brokers), koji je prvi odobreni auditor za ove standarde u Srbiji.
ESG procene se odnose na tri ključna faktora u procesu ocenjivanja i merenja održivosti investicija u kompanije ili biznis. Ti faktori su: pitanja zaštite životne sredine, pitanja društvene odgovornosti i pitanja korporativnog upravljanja.
ESG ratings refers to three key factors in process of assessment and measuring os sustainability impact of an investment in a company or business.
Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (SEDEX) is a system based on networking a large number of companies from all parts of the world and from all industry sectors, designed to help organizations for managing performance data and work practices in their supply chain. Members benefit from being able to publish their audit reports directly so that they are available to all SEDEX members.
Supplier Ethical Data Exchange (SEDEX) je sistem zasnovan na umrežavanju velikog broja kompanija iz svih delova sveta i iz svih industrijskih sektora, osmišljen da pomogne organizacijama da upravljaju podacima o performansama i radnim praksama u svom lancu snabdevanja. Članovi imaju korist od toga što mogu da direktno objavljuju svoje izveštaje sa provera kako bi bili dostupni svim članovima SEDEX-a.