​Brzo, sveže i čisto

„Sledljivost u lancu ishrane je složenija nego u bilo kojoj drugoj industriji, zbog velikog broja zagađivača životne sredine koji mogu ugroziti sigurnost hrane bilo gde duž lanca ishrane , kao i vremenski osetljive prirode sveže proizvode . „

​Fast, Fresh & Clean

“Traceability across the food chain is more complex than in any other industry, due to the large number of environmental pollutants that may compromise food safety anywhere along the food chain, as well as the time sensitive nature of fresh produce.”


At the end of the 1950s, atomic power was considered the technology of the future worldwide. Across political party boundaries, there was an agreement that West Germany should play a leading role when it came to using the almost unlimited nuclear energy resources.

​TMS successfully organized one-day seminar Public procurement – current issues and problems in practice, , in the conference room of the hotel Holiday Inn

On Friday, June 17th 2016, in the conference room of the hotel Holiday Inn, TMS Academy successfully organized one-day seminar Public procurement – current issues and problems in practice.  Lecturers  at this seminar were Danijela Bokan (Public Procurement Office, Head of the Department of Systems Analysis and International Cooperation), Svetlana Ražić (Public Procurement Office, Head of the Group for monitoring, control and surveillance of public procurement procedures), and Branislav Cvetković (Article Republic Commission for protection of rights in public procurement procedures).

Uspešno održan seminar Javne nabavke – aktuelna pitanja i problemi u praksi , u hotelu Holiday Inn

U petak, 17.juna 2016.godine, u konferencijskoj sali hotela Holiday Inn, TMS Akademija uspešno je organizovala jednodnevni seminar Javne nabavke – aktuelna pitanja i problemi u praksi. Predavači na ovom seminaru bili su Danijela Bokan (Uprava za javne nabavke, šef Odseka za analizu sistema i međunarodnu saradnju), Svetlana Ražić (Uprava za javne nabavke, rukovodilac Grupe za praćenje, kontrolu i nadzor postupaka javnih nabavki ),  i Branislav Cvetković (član Republičke komisije za zaštitu prava u postupcima javnih nabavki).